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HomeUncategorizedRecreating the Flying Toasters screen saver for the Vision Pro

Recreating the Flying Toasters screen saver for the Vision Pro

I recently decided to make an app for the Apple Vision Pro (AVP) during a two-week break between jobs. I wanted to explore its potential and learn some new skills. My day job primarily involves low-level firmware; I hadn’t built a user-facing app in a while–my last iOS app experience was back in high school in 2011! This was a chance to see how app development has evolved in 2024, especially with modern code generation tools.

Inspiration and the “Screensaver” Idea

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After brainstorming with friends, one suggested I look into the classic “Flying Toasters” screensaver by After Dark (released in 1989). I watched a video of it and thought it would be a perfect starter project!

I was especially excited to bring the concept of a “screensaver” to this new platform. Historically, screensavers served a practical purpose on CRT monitors—preventing screen burn-ins. From Wikipedia:

Screen burn-in, image burn-in, ghost image, or shadow image, is a permanent discoloration of areas on an electronic display such as a cathode ray tube (CRT) in an old computer monitor or television set. It is caused by cumulative non-uniform use of the screen.
One way to combat screen burn-in was the use of screensavers, which would move an image around to ensure that no one area of the screen remained illuminated for too long.

Today, screensavers primarily serve aesthetic and entertainment purposes, activating during periods of user inactivity. My aim was to incorporate a similar, inactivity-based trigger for the AVP screensaver. Initially, my plan was to employ gaze tracking to identify moments when a user might be “zoned out”. Due to privacy considerations, Apple restricts access to such sensor data. As a workaround, users can signal their activity by periodically tapping a button within the app’s main control window, effectively resetting the inactivity timer. The app also allows users the flexibility to customize the timeout duration, transforming the screensaver into a gentle nudge to take breaks from using the AVP.

The Screensaver Itself

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The screensaver features flying toasters soaring across your real-world environment. They emerge from a portal showing the sun and disappear into a portal showing the moon. It was fun adding silly little features like:

  • Gesture controls: Scale and rotate the portals to your liking.
  • Toaster interaction: Tap a toaster to trigger a whimsical phrase. Baby toasters occasionally make an appearance too!
  • Customization: Adjust toaster count, toastiness level, colors, and music. Or, activate “ghost mode” to prevent collisions if the on-screen chaos gets overwhelming.

Check out the app previews and screenshots on the app store to get a visual:

Technical Challenges

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Here are some specific challenges I overcame during the development process:

  • Learning Swift: Although I’d used Objective-C for an iOS app back in high school, I wanted to learn Apple’s recommended way of writing apps. I spent time reading Swift tutorials and practicing in Swift Playgrounds. ChatGPT and Gemini were also great resources for code editing and debugging.

  • 3D Animation/Art: I had no prior experience with 3D animation. I started with a 3D-printable toaster model and followed tutorials to animate the wings. Creating those toasts was trickier! I couldn’t find the right textures for different toastiness levels – after a lot of trial and error (and a hundred attempts with Photoshop’s generative fill), I finally got those realistic-looking textures.

  • Portal Gestures: Apple’s example code was key for implementing intuitive scaling and rotation gestures for the portals.

  • Toaster Physics vs. Animation: I found out the hard way that RealityKit’s physics engine and strict animation paths (using FromToByAnimation()) don’t always play nicely together. My chaotic collision solution? Random launch points with a minimum distance constraint, random cubic-bezier curve paths, and plenty of linear/angular damping on those toasters. If the toasters’ movements are still subjectively chaotic, the user can opt out of collisions by turning on ghost mode.

  • Head Tracking: I wanted the toasters’ whimsical phrases to appear in speech bubbles that always faced the user. RealityKit doesn’t directly track head position, but I adapted a clever ARKit workaround to achieve this.

This project was a blast! If you have an AVP and end up seeing the flying toasters in action, please let me know what you think!

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