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HomeUncategorizedEven the Pylint codebase uses Ruff

Even the Pylint codebase uses Ruff

[build-system] requires = [setuptools~=62.6, wheel~=0.37.1] build-backend = setuptools.build_meta [project] name = pylint license = {text = GPL-2.0-or-later} description = python code static checker readme = README.rst authors = [ {name = Python Code Quality Authority, email =} ] keywords = [static code analysis, linter, python, lint] classifiers = [ Development Status :: 6 – Mature, Environment :: Console, Intended Audience :: Developers, License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v2 (GPLv2), Operating System :: OS Independent, Programming Language :: Python, Programming Language :: Python :: 3, Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11, Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython, Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy, Topic :: Software Development :: Debuggers, Topic :: Software Development :: Quality Assurance, Topic :: Software Development :: Testing, ] requires-python = >=3.7.2 dependencies = [ dill>=0.2;python_version<'3.11', dill>=0.3.6;python_version>=’3.11′, platformdirs>=2.2.0, # Also upgrade requirements_test_min.txt. # Pinned to dev of second minor update to allow editable installs and fix primer issues, # see astroid>=2.14.2,<=2.16.0-dev0, isort>=4.2.5,<6, mccabe>=0.6,<0.8, tomli>=1.1.0;python_version<'3.11', tomlkit>=0.10.1, colorama>=0.4.5;sys_platform==’win32′, typing-extensions>=3.10.0;python_version<'3.10', ] dynamic = [version] [project.optional-dependencies] testutils = [gitpython>3] spelling = [pyenchant~=3.2] [project.urls] “Docs: User Guide” = “Source Code” = “homepage” = “What’s New” = “Bug Tracker” = “Discord Server” = “Docs: Contributor Guide” = [project.scripts] pylint = pylint:run_pylint pylint-config = pylint:_run_pylint_config epylint = pylint:run_epylint pyreverse = pylint:run_pyreverse symilar = pylint:run_symilar [tool.setuptools] license-files = [LICENSE, CONTRIBUTORS.txt] # Keep in sync with setup.cfg [tool.setuptools.packages.find] include = [pylint*] [tool.setuptools.package-data] pylint = [testutils/testing_pylintrc] [tool.setuptools.dynamic] version = {attr = pylint.__pkginfo__.__version__} [tool.aliases] test = pytest [tool.pytest.ini_options] testpaths = [tests] python_files = [*test_*.py] addopts = –strict-markers filterwarnings = error markers = [ primer_stdlib: Checks for crashes and errors when running pylint on stdlib, primer_external_batch_one: Checks for crashes and errors when running pylint on external libs (batch one), benchmark: Baseline of pylint performance, if this regress something serious happened, timeout: Marks from pytest-timeout., needs_two_cores: Checks that need 2 or more cores to be meaningful, ] [tool.isort] profile = black known_third_party = [platformdirs, astroid, sphinx, isort, pytest, mccabe, six, toml] skip_glob = [tests/functional/**, tests/input/**, tests/extensions/data/**, tests/regrtest_data/**, tests/data/**, astroid/**, venv/**] src_paths = [pylint] [tool.mypy] scripts_are_modules = true warn_unused_ignores = true show_error_codes = true enable_error_code = ignore-without-code strict = true # TODO: Remove this once pytest has annotations disallow_untyped_decorators = false [[tool.mypy.overrides]] ignore_missing_imports = true module = [ _pytest.*, _string, astroid.*, # `colorama` ignore is needed for Windows environment colorama, contributors_txt, coverage, dill, enchant.*, git.*, mccabe, pytest_benchmark.*, pytest, sphinx.*, ] [tool.ruff] select = [E, F, W, B] ignore = [ B905, # Not enforced previousely ] fixable = [E, F, W, B] # ruff is less lenient than pylint and does not make any exceptions # (for docstrings, strings and comments in particular). line-length = 115

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