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Kagi Search – Paywalled articles indicator and improved weather widget

Dec 7, 2023 – Paywalled articles indicator and improved weather widget

Nov 30, 2023 – Quality of life improvements

Kagi Search

🪲 Bug fixes & Improvements

  • Cursor will not scroll to end of search for long queries on Android #2302 @zam
  • Japanese input appears twice when using Hiragana/Katakana/Kanji input #2029 @nikke1234
  • Keyboard navigation doesn’t highlight instant answer #2396 @danbulant
  • Lens not scoping correcty #2250 @Rediwed
  • Mobile – Responsive issues. #2509 @cempack
  • Wikipedia widget empty pane #2423 @Value7609
  • Kagi bangs without query should take you to the corresponding Kagi search page #2316 @bert
  • Reverse image search: search bar text overlap with thumbnail #2278 @FrederickZh
  • Ability to navigate to Kagi Assistant when advanced search is enabled #2298 @Nezteb
  • Laptop screen – responsive issues. #2508 @cempack
  • Add upload date for YouTube video results #2526 @Yiin
  • Show a message when trying to search in an incognito window while not logged in #1830 @ThomasS
  • StackOverflow widget formatting is broken #2452 @fxgn
  • Higher quality results for “News”
  • Further improved latency for Australia region (after launching the new DC Sydney two weeks ago)
  • Missing attribution in map #2041 @02JanDal
  • Content-Security-Policy missing on Summarizer #2527 @promenaden
  • YouTube link not encoded properly on clicking the “discuss further” button on the summarization page #2564 @platyhsu
  • Fixed reported XSS in Universal Summarizer and FastGPT
  • Searching for “the boys” triggers shopping widget #2595 @terminalnode
  • Summerizer no longer works with direct link #2570 @inesicio
  • Summarizer unable to summarize #2562 @EvacuatedTerminal

Kagi Assistant

✨ Features

  • Citation snippets:
  • – Hover or click an inline citation and review the source text
  • – Where possible, clicking the inline citation link directly to the relevant part of the webpage
  • Show Assistant on landing page with Advanced Search open
  • Improved LLM speed and reliability

🪲 Bugfixes

⚠️ Known Issues

  • Low contrast citation snippets in dark mode. Bugfix should be out within a couple days
  • Long inputs with non-alphabetical characters may sometimes result in a 414 error. We are working on a new system to allow much larger input sizes

Nov 16, 2023 – GPT 4 Turbo, Australia region, Sales Tax

📢 Announcements

  • We are making GPT 4 Turbo available in Kagi Assistant (Kagi Assistant is currently in closed beta and available to Ultimate members)

  • Summarize any page on the web with Kagi Search extensions for Chrome and Firefox (0.4.2). We added support for Summarizer language setting and summary type. This feature is free for all Kagi members, try it out!

  • We are now deployed in Australia (Sydney), yay! This will reduce latency for our members in this part of the world. We care about speed a lot!

Here is a map of all Kagi data center locations currently.

  • Kagi is growing up! You’ve all seen and participated in the incredible growth of the past few months, thank you. It also means we’ll need to start looking at where we need to start charging sales tax/VAT on behalf of your state/government. We’re in the process of looking at the details, and we will do our best to make this as seamless as possible. Expect more information soon.

  • Our tech lead Zac Nowicki recently gave a talk at Crystal Conf. Zac shares a summary of lessons, technology, ideas, and challenges after building a search engine product from the ground up in Crystal for the past three years. Watch the presentation.

  • We have a great discussion about Kagi Email in ⁠our Discord. Join us!

🪲 Bug fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed Inline discussions not showing actual discussions
  • No search bang for no_region, only for regions #2475 @bgeron
  • Keyboard shortcuts are difficult to find #2252 @janfoeh
  • Unsanitized square brackets in FastGPT #2470 @felkr
  • Information icon next to Total searches this period on billing page does not provide information #2495 @bebowilson
  • GTA 6 returns “reviews” for game that doesn’t exist #2488 @lolrepeatlol
  • FastGPT API results are different (and much worse) than #2504 @estheruary
  • FastGPT web version and API doesn’t provide the same result #1690 @doom
  • Universal Summarizer reports that multi-page PDF files are too short to summarize #1962 @scottharris
  • Album of The Year bang !aoty with a search redirects to the wrong URL #2485 @haakon
  • Bang !cron is broken #2459 @loloriz
  • !gog bang not working correctly #2287 @Xamrica
  • Fun fact on stats page has wrong text #2442 @Jake-Moss
  • Gift activation links overflow #2420 @httpjames
  • Lens name truncated in settings #2397 @timmm
  • The Summarizer extension language option #2507 @cempack
  • [Chrome Extension] [Summarizer] Extension always uses Summary, instead of Key Moments #2321 @rswerve

Kagi Assistant

📢 Announcements

  • GPT-4 Turbo now available to Ultimate members
  • Increased custom Assistant prompt length (1500 chars) #2150 @AndroidKitKat

🪲 Bugfixes

⚠️ Known Issues

  • Long inputs with non-alphabetical characters may sometimes result in a 414 error. We are working on a new system to allow much larger input sizes

Nov 3, 2023 – New region and mysterious Kagi surprise

📢 Announcements

  • We launched a new deployment in South America (São Paulo) datacenter region to reduce latency for our members there. Next week we plan to also expand datacenter operations to Australia (Sydney) region.
  • Starter plan Annual plan changed to 3600 searches/year (vs 300 month) to make it more flexible
  • New live Kagi Stats page. Have a go at guessing the mysterious surprise here

✨ Features

  • General settings (including language preference) now available for Kids accounts in the Family Plan #2306 @ploum

🪲 Bug fixes & Improvements

Kagi Assistant

📢 Announcements

  • Starting next Thursday (1 week from today) non-ultimate users will no longer have access to ultimate features. We appreciate your help testing Assistant, and you will continue to have beta access prior to public launch.
  • Known issue: Long inputs with non-alphabetical characters may sometimes result in a 414 error. We are working on a new system to allow much larger input sizes.

✨ Features

  • Significantly improved streaming speed for OpenAI models
  • Switching back and forth between Assistant and Web Search clears the query
  • Navigating to the landing page from Assistant opens Assistant mode
  • Assistant bangs without input redirect to the expected location

🪲 Bug fixes

  • Accidentally triggering bangs within Assistant #2320 @Whoops]
  • Regenerate response errors #2374 @Value7609]
  • XSS vulnerabilities
  • Hallucination of links in Research mode #2358 @nissa]
  • Loss of context
  • Research mode follow-up edge cases
  • No search edge cases
  • Text wrapping of messages #2154 @Value7609]
  • Unexpected scrolling #2155 @Reroute5183]
  • No summary of document
  • Answer stops streaming midway
  • Error on long conversations in Code mode #2225 @whee]

Oct 10, 2023 – Misc fixes


Kagi Search extension for Chrome and Firefox 0.4.0:

  • Right click on the page to summarize the page
  • Right-clicking an image to search Kagi by image #2105 @Nankeru


  • Site footer enhanced with useful navigation links


Assistant beta (currently available to Ultimate plan members, general availability planned for November)

✨ Features

  • Significantly improved logic driving follow-ups in Research mode
  • Better use of previous searches
  • New logic to derive additional searches when needed
  • Better detection of when additional searches are not needed (and would degrade the output)

🪲 Bugfixes

  • Assistant response caching doesn’t account for the entirety of a multiline primp #2170 @httpjames
  • Assistant: Weird layout while code assistent writes unfinished fenced code blocks #2115 @warpspin
  • Security fixes (XSS) – many thanks to the users who have been flagging these
  • Images are more consistently displayed when available
  • Better filtering of input so multiple distinct people/places are less likely to be confused
  • Assistant-related bangs should now display in the UI for all beta users
  • !fast and !expert are fixed
  • Better responses for edge cases
  • Another input limit bug
  • Formatting fixes for summaries
  • Various backend bugfixes

Sep 28, 2023 – Assistant beta and enhanced accessibility

We are rolling Kagi Assistant beta for all our current Ultimate plan members (new Ultimate plan users will be onboarded daily). Assistant includes four dynamic AI modes – Research, Code, Chat, and Custom – powered by cutting-edge language models like GPT-4 and Claude-2 (on the Ultimate plan), all in one package. Stay tuned, as we plan to make the Assistant available to all members in the coming weeks.

We’re committed to making our platform more accessible. We already made a number of changes to improve accessibility in our search experience and our latest update enhances the screen reader experience in Maps, making it more user-friendly for visually impaired users. We are at the beginning of the road and if we’re committed to making our platform more accessible. If you or someone you know can provide valuable feedback, please contact us at Your input will help us better serve the needs of these members of our community.


  • Show the “More” menu on the front page #1579 @Nankeru
  • Added $300 option for the gift card (so you can gift Ultimate plan for a year to someone)
  • New Kagi status page


  • Universal Summarizer unable to process transcript #1999 @seligman
  • Make Universal Summarizer default to Key Moments
  • Kids account: Search Entire Web off + Lens not working as expected #2081 @spicytuna
  • Kids account: use of email as username does not allow login #1828 @Nils
  • Small Values Calculations Search Suggestions #1969 @Reroute5183
  • The example searchs on the landing page do not respect system theme setting
  • Show wrong company stock price for apple inc keyword #1039 @SukinoVerse
  • Searching for “Vladimir Prelovac” in “Videos” gives results only about Putin #2069 @ASeeker


  • Misc billing/Stripe related issues
  • Trial searches were sometimes not properly updated
  • Case-sensitive matching for family/team invites
  • Safari extension Private Browsing Redirect #2084 @kevrodg
  • Redirect Rules don’t apply when using the “I feel lucky” (!) operator #1110 @quinncom
  • Login does not work without JS #2045 @eiangarsaowrfutarfgfarg
  • XSS vulnerability when handling dates
  • Can only pay $10 with Paypal #2060 @erikvanoosten
  • Verbatim ‘search without quotes’ button not working. #1986 @Value7609
  • Search bar is broken, does not search anything #1975 @ASeeker
  • Duplicate videos in search results #1968 @xjc
  • The first result of the conversion widget adds unnecessary spaces before and after the output. #2078 @loloriz
  • Currency conversion, i.e., “100 usd to sek”, should display widget #2031 @Vapid
  • News widget is linking to news instead of original source. #2006 @yellow
  • Clicking “save” after adjusting soft/hard limit in billing leads to “We haven’t found anything.” page #1947 @chris_20017
  • Empty li on billing page #2019 @jonathon

Assistant beta:

✨ Features

  • All new mode selector (now with color!)
  • Info boxes for each mode, shown when clicking the ? icon
  • Summaries will be given in bullets
  • Input limits raised (for real this time) to 8k chars

🪲 Bugfixes

  • No longer re-summarize documents and delay answers
  • Citations will be shown with regenerated queries (and other edge cases)
  • Various internal AI improvements
  • Encoding of characters fixed
  • Threads won’t change modes anymore
  • Uploading documents works no matter what mode is selected as default
  • More robust mode selection on landing page
  • No longer downgrading followups to gpt-3.5

Sep 21, 2023 – Unlimited searches for $10/month

We’re thrilled to bring you the news you’ve all been eagerly awaiting – Kagi is now available with unlimited searches for just $10/month!

More in our announcement blog post.

Sep 14, 2023 – Share lenses with other users

Sep 7, 2023 – Kagi Small Web

As a part of our ongoing mission to humanize the web, we’re thrilled to announce the launch of Kagi Small Web initiative.

Learn more in our latest blog post.

Aug 31, 2023 – New payment methods

We are happy to announce that Kagi now accepts payments through PayPal and Venmo, as well as EUR payments via iDEAL and Giropay. In addition we accept Bitcoin and Bitcoin Lightning through OpenNode.

Read more in the blog post.

In addition Kagi now has support for OpenNode which closes one of the most upvotes feature suggestions on our feedback forum.

Aug 29th, 2023 – Kagi stats!


  • We are now showing indicators for Hacker News and Reddit discussions inside search results. It is not for all results and not always, this is just a first step towards exposing more of this.

  • Maps: Ability to sort searched results by distance, price, popularity, rating, or overall relevance


  • Users activating a gift card no longer need to submit thier credit card information to redeem the gift credit. Did you know you can gift Kagi?
  • Bang !q to get a quick answer immediately #1553 @httpjames
  • Show ‘submitted dates’ for forum posts when nested under a parent site. #1831 @theDoctor
  • Improved Academic lens by adding more relevant sources (thanks Dariush!)
  • Improved Recipe lens (added more smaller, niche, cooking websites)
  • Non-default filter options (such as verbatim mode) now get a visible frame for indication
  • Lenses made more robust and surface more results
  • Clear visual indication when Verbatim is selected #1837 @quentinv
  • Maps: POI Search region should honor mapView
  • Maps: Improved navigation UXUI and ability to reverse navigation directions
  • Maps: Various design improvements to search results on mobile browsers
  • Added Zoom Controls to mobile browsers #1499 @tinytankpu


  • Autocomplete suggestions include HTML codes for Single Quote #1740 @kandersonus
  • Mobile reverse image upload fix
  • Podcast results widget in web search are not relevant #1478 @Rediwed
  • Off-topic Wikipedia results when pinned #1836 @samg
  • Show password button misplaced and nonfunctional on firefox during password reset #1760 @htfdykt
  • Reddit links in the “helpful unbiased reviews” section don’t work #1769 @NoahAndrews
  • Lenses and site-operators give different results #1641 @Undaunted
  • “Forums” lens sometimes returns no results with region enabled #1430 @riddley
  • Quick Answer doesn’t respect the “Open links in new tab” setting #1755 @Grooty
  • Weird formatting in reviews sidebar #1825 @Grooty
  • World News lense seems broken #1869 @warpspin
  • Menu highlight missing in settings #1873 @EinEtwas
  • Visual bug for log-in/sign-up password field #1815 @mikee
  • Kagi Maps toggle doesn’t toggle back #1496 @tinytankpu
  • Map tiles don’t reload on Firefox #1497 @tinytankpu
  • Maps fills up browser history #1856 @Value7609
  • Indicate if invalid private API key is provided #1719 @njyo
  • Youtube suggestions are comically irrelevant #1734 @anotherhue
  • Kagi extension: Login Token URL is Incorrect #1901 @kagi134
  • Custom CSS unecessarly loaded on page even if not enabled in settings
  • Clicking through changelog notification, does not clear notification
  • Issue with Hz conversion #1738 @AndroidKitKat


  • FastGPT no longer giving response to query #1654 @heliostatic
  • FastGPT can’t handle numerical conversions into hexadecimals. #1525 @Sabin_Stargem
  • Including an image link yields error for FastGPT search #1854 @mbwgh
  • FastGPT returns references in wrong places about languages which use square brackets to access an element in an array #1673 @ltrojano
  • FastGPT API doesn’t perform new searches to respond to new queries. #1761 @atbradley
  • Podcast Summary not working #1771 @MattZagaja
  • Audio Files – “No summary available at the moment” #1743 @keyes
  • Zapier – Kagi Universal Summarise integration (Authentication Error) #1816 @Maxpl01t
  • !sumk bang not select key moments summay type #1880 @SukinoVerse
  • Chrome Summarizer Extension “TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘startsWith’)” #1748 @kevin51jiang

July 27th 2023

Kagi Search extensions for Chrome & Firefox got a powerful new feature – Summarize any webpage (or YouTube video, or PDF, or really anything Universal Summarizer can summarize).

To use this just click the summarize button in the extension.

This is completely free for all Kagi search members and included in your membership.

Download Kagi Search for Chrome

Download Kagi Search for Firefox

Note: Our initial release of extension (0.3) had wrong scope of permissions. Thanks to the quick and efficient intervention from our community, this was mitigated. Make sure you are using 0.3.3 version.

ps: Power users can enter their Kagi API key in extension settings and enable our enterprise grade summarization engine (Muriel).

July 25th, 2023


  • New “Enrichment” APIs: We have launched two new API endpoints that give results from our own indexes for web results and news.

    Check out the documentation for details!

  • OCR support in Universal Summarizer web app and API is now available. PDFs consisting of media like scanned documents should now be able to be summarized!


  • New user welcome email
  • Improved autosuggest infrastructure
  • (Maps) Improved render times for search results on mobile
  • (Maps) Additional Point-of-Interest search result details


  • Summarization of audio content has been restored
  • Comment reviews in Shopping widget is linking to Reddit wrong #1714 @yellow
  • Instant answer for “Steph Curry height” are not useful #1204 @danfreq
  • Russian movie title display for IMDb #1706 @Drew3D
  • “About my father” search result returns IMDb results in Russian #1620 @yeri
  • Russian Results under Grouped Results #1543 @joe
  • Help link on the Family settings page links to a 404 #1715 @okf
  • Bang !brew redirects to invalid domain #1570 @nova
  • Clear button doesn’t clear “Verbatim” search result filter #1709 @sw
  • Kagi Universal Summarizer bug of summary and key moments not switching #1691 @ray
  • No search suggestions appear beyond the first 2 letters #1539 @Longely
  • [Universal Summarizer] Many files fail to summarize #1710 @keyes
  • (Maps) Fix for maps dark mode improper color rendering on mobile and desktop #1244 @mkozakov
  • (Maps) Numerous bug and stability fixes to mobile maps search UI

June 30th, 2023


Domain Personalization Leaderboard

Wondering what domains you should block or pin? Check out the new Personalization Leaderboard!

Here you can review what domains are the most popular among Kagi users to modify the rankings of.


  • Lots of misc. improvements across Maps UI, especially mobile; give it a try and let us know how it feels!
  • Endpoint to get API balance, balance included in API responses #1585 @psalaets
  • More robust displaying of your Stripe Credit balance on the billing dashboard
  • More robust handling of references/citation in AI responses
  • AI summarizer not finding an available date #1348 @SK
  • When using Discuss Document on a video or podcast, make the AI say “video” instead of “document” #1638 @Grooty


  • Weird syntax in Discuss Document #1637 @Grooty
  • Editable personalized result types, deleting duplicates removes all #1492 @Nezeb
  • Map widget buttons not accessible #1468 @hmnd
  • Dark mode css unreadable #1244 @mkozakov
  • A search for “Time in Vietnam” returns the wrong time #1629 @pdm
  • BST to CEST time conversion wrong #1626 @eproxus
  • Return from selected search result jumps many zoom levels back from start #1500 @tinytankpu
  • Link directly to takeaways/key moments summary doesn’t select generate moments #1584 @Lauren
  • Quick answer doesn’t work for me #1559 @Wrongdoer0776
  • Quick Answering the querry “John Gruber” returns an error #1518 @Grooty
  • Summarizer of search results similar to Brave search #1507 @bls0n
  • Output Language in Universal Summarizer doesn’t seem to do anything #1536 @littleknown


Support Orion with Orion Lifetime

You can now support Orion with a new $150 lifetime license option as a one-time purchase!

You can access your Orion subscription options on your Billing page at the bottom.

Thank you!

June 28, 2023

We are excited to announce that Kagi has raised $670K in our first external fundraise, thanks to 42 amazing accredited investors who are also Kagi users. With this support, we’ll aim to accelerate product initiatives and provide more benefits to your membership.

Read more on our blog.

May 23, 2023

We have an exciting update to our pricing plans – We are adding more searches and making AI features unlimited across all plans!

Read more in our blog post

Additional release notes for today:


  • Image search yields more relevant results
  • Podcast search yields more relevant results
  • News search yields more relevant results
  • Improved UX for Kagi Maps on mobile


  • Blocking a website doesn’t block it from Listicles #1489 @cvzakharchenko
  • 100 most famous paintings = 4:00pm PST? #1477 @Bodine
  • All search results have text strikethrough after MDN “” page result #1482 @eminescu
  • Not all default lenses display their sources #1473 @anijatsu
  • FastGPT reloads repeatedly when it finds itself in a restored tab #1470 @erik
  • Universal Summarizer: Improved output text formatting (paragraphs)

May 20, 2023

We are making our latest experiment, FastGPT, publicly available.

FastGPT is a generative AI powered search engine, and is the fastest “GPT” out there, that is powered by a full search engine underneath. It is primarily an experiment in speed as an important part of search.

This will soon land in Kagi Search. We also plan to remove all current AI interaction limits when this happens.

Try it here:

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