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A currently maintained fork of SSHFS

This is a currently maintained fork of SSHFS

SSHFS (original repo: has been declared to be unmaintained and it breaks our heart. So me and some friends have decided to fork it and give it some love.

There’s a rust fork in progress by Greg Shuflin ( Rust is a modern and memory safe programming language, and in the long term, it’s not a bad decision to port it to rust.

However, there are some downsides to Rust, such as it being still a young language, unstable API changes, it not having a standard specification yet, and long and compute-intensive compilation process etc.

So from a maintenance perspective, we are just here to fix issues, merge PRs, and give this project some love until the rust fork is ready (maybe even backport changes/features from there for a period of time).

Everyone is welcome to create issues or PRs, please do contribute!


SSHFS allows you to mount a remote filesystem using SFTP. Most SSH
servers support and enable this SFTP access by default, so SSHFS is
very simple to use – there’s nothing to do on the server-side.

Development Status

SSHFS is shipped by all major Linux distributions and has been in
production use across a wide range of systems for many years. However,
at present SSHFS does not have any active, regular contributors, and
there are a number of known issues (see the bugtracker). The current
maintainer continues to apply pull requests and makes regular
releases, but unfortunately has no capacity to do any development
beyond addressing high-impact issues. When reporting bugs, please
understand that unless you are including a pull request or are
reporting a critical issue, you will probably not get a response.

How to use

Once sshfs is installed (see next section) running it is very simple:

sshfs [user@]hostname:[directory] mountpoint

It is recommended to run SSHFS as regular user (not as root). For
this to work the mountpoint must be owned by the user. If username is
omitted SSHFS will use the local username. If the directory is
omitted, SSHFS will mount the (remote) home directory. If you need to
enter a password sshfs will ask for it (actually it just runs ssh
which asks for the password if needed).

Also many ssh options can be specified (see the manual pages for
sftp(1) and ssh_config(5)), including the remote port number

To unmount the filesystem:

On BSD and macOS, to unmount the filesystem:


First, download the latest SSHFS release from You also need libfuse 3.1.0 or newer (or a
similar library that provides a libfuse3 compatible interface for your operating
system). Finally, you need the Glib library with development headers (which should be
available from your operating system’s package manager).

To build and install, we recommend to use Meson (version 0.38 or
newer) and Ninja. After extracting the sshfs tarball, create a
(temporary) build directory and run Meson:

$ mkdir build; cd build
$ meson ..

Normally, the default build options will work fine. If you
nevertheless want to adjust them, you can do so with the mesonconf

$ mesonconf                  # list options
$ mesonconf -D strip=true    # set an option

To build, test and install SSHFS, you then use Ninja (running the
tests requires the py.test Python module):

$ ninja
$ python3 -m pytest test/    # optional, but recommended
$ sudo ninja install

Getting Help

If you need help, please ask on the
mailing list (subscribe at

Please report any bugs on the GitHub issue tracker at

Packaging Status

Packaging status

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