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HomeUncategorizedBlog-cells: Interactive code cells for static sites

Blog-cells: Interactive code cells for static sites

blog-cells can turn any web page into an interactive code notebook, similar to
Jupyter notebooks, but powered by JavaScript and running entirely in the browser.

There’s no server-side component, so you can share your notebooks on static site
hosts like GitHub pages. Check out the source for this page here.

You create your program in cells, just like the one below.

Cells can run either automatically on page load, or can wait until the reader
explicitly runs them.

Each cell is a module. You can export functions and values from one cell to be used in others.

The exported values are available in other cells using the $ global.

Cells can be hidden by default.

You can use top-level await syntax.

You can query CORS-enabled APIs using fetch.

You can import third-party ES modules.

You can use several different console functions.

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