Saturday, July 27, 2024
Google search engine – Business Intelligence as Code – Business Intelligence as Code

Build polished data products

with SQL and markdown

🛋 Easy

Built for SQL analysts of all skill levels. No scripting, just SQL and Markdown.

🚀 Powerful

Template your reports with loops & conditionals. Abstract whole analysis into re-usable components. Generate pages from your data.

❤ī¸ Open Source

MIT Licensed and free to use. Everyone is welcome.

SQL + Markdown → Beautiful Reports

Evidence enables analysts to build a trusted, version-controlled reporting system by writing SQL and a superset of markdown.

It’s easy to get started and you can build data products that are both more sophisticated and easier to use than what you can build with a typical BI tool.

A lovely report super imposed on the source code that generated it

Query your Data from Markdown

Run live SQL from markdown.

Evidence supports BigQuery, Snowflake, Postgres, DuckDB, SQLite, MySQL, CSVs, and more

A lovely report super imposed on the source code that generated it

Create Reports that Feel Handwritten

Powerful features for automating text.

Include live data points in the text of your report. Generate lists, sections, headers and more. All controlled by your data.

A lovely report super imposed on the source code that generated it

Include Charts and Graphs

Add professional graphics to your reports using our growing component library.

A lovely report super imposed on the source code that generated it

Bring it all Under Version Control

Version control and test your reports.

Earn trust by delivering reliable, consistent outputs. Always have an answer for why the numbers changed.

Never serve broken reports again.

A lovely report super imposed on the source code that generated it

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